

Oct 28, 2011

L2 Norms..

This article aims at giving information to the new resident L2 visa holders about the rules to follow in USA.

L2 visa holders are spouses of a valid L1 visa holders ,who are hired on a contract basis by a US company through a foreign company for work.There are a lot of differences in rules and privelages between a permanent resident and a non immigrant resident in US.In the initial stages of entering US,a lot of confusion is there regarding the do’s and dont’s here. So i thought of providing a quick overview of these.

1.Work: The most common question arising is that “Can a L2 visa holder work in US”?
Answer: “YES” unlike a H4 visa holder. This is an advantage,and this can be utilized by applying for a Employment authorization document/EAD. This can be attained by applying online or through mail to the USCIS by filling a form I-765 at the cost of 340 dollars. Link to this- Any person with a valid visa and I-94 can apply to this and start working once they get the EAD.

2.MEDICAL INSURANCE /CAR INSURANCE /SCHOOL BENEFITS: A person on a L2 visa can attain all the benefits of medical/car insurance; Can also have his /her child admitted for a public school ;use a public library.

3.DRIVING LICENSE: A L2 visa holder must have a valid driver’s licensefrom the state DMV office though they posses their countries driver’s license. They can take a written test for a temporary instruction permit ,which is valid for a period of 6 months to 1 year and meanwhile practice and give a behind the wheels driving test and attain a driver’s license. A few states give a grant for L2 visa holder’s to drive for the first 6 months with their countries driver’s license.

4.STUDIES: A L2 visa holder can have an added advantage of studying at US,and obtaining degrees from universities until they have a valid visa .But they need to make the financial arrangements themselves or need a green card holder/permanent resident for proof/witness to obtain a loan for studies.

5.ELIGIBILITY TO STAY:A L2 visa holder has the eligibility to stay at US, only as long as the spouse who has a L1 visa is valid to stay; So if the husband’s L1 visa expires and has to go back,then even a wife has to go back because her L2 VISA is invalid henceforth. Even in case of a divorce ,the spouse cannot stay back with the same visa status.He/she may have to apply for a different visa(H1 or F1 student visa)or may have to marry a permanent resident of the US,in order to continue staying.. ;)

6.BUYING A PROPERTY: A L2 visa holder can own a property under the L1 visa status ,provided they have their cash paid;but if financing is needed ,then again it would be a problem.There are different norms to be followed by a bank/finance company to issue a loan .They may have to take help from some green card holder /home country property as collateral/proof.

Oct 13, 2011

Chit chat between ME & me.. ;)

At times, I enjoy observing others act; try to analyze their behavioral patterns. Grab silly things from them, try to apply too. In my head, I match any song suiting to the situation & this way I pull myself out from any stress/ anger.

Lately, I just love walking between the nature & turning the time machine back to the old times>>
"Childhood Fantasies",
"Teenage Crushes",
"Blush 4 First Love" :p

Wondering how I went through the 'OSLA' time ;) # (OSLA- One sided lover association)

The thing is observing yourself on how we take steps ahead & simply move on, from time to time. Noticing, on how you struggled the hard times of childhood/teenage life, which might seems silly, today. But the catch is we must always maintain that connection to the past, and yet ceaselessly pull away from it.

Here, I am not asking to stick to the rotten memories & feel regret/gloom about it and whispering to yourself "Kash..aisa hota toh.."
My point is taking right actions today, could be the best apologies for bad actions in the past.
The more anger/ hatred feelings you carry in your heart, for not fulfilling the said promises or expectations, the less capable you are of loving in the present.

"Never regret something that once made you smile….at the time its what you wanted.."
Life is too big so is ur heart.. Simply spread smiles, love around. Forgive, forget & forgo.. :)

Aug 14, 2011

Sources of Inspiración..

Creativity and Inspiration tend to present themselves whenever they see fit. I have short listed few sure shot ways to spark the hidden enigma within everyone.. :)

Following ideas might serve few of us in a best manner & for some they may be just words. So my request to all the readers is to follow each point in calm & mind free manner.

Generally, I follow a "MANTRA" to sort out my answers is to Stop thinking. As when I find myself stuck on anything for a long time, I cease my wings from struggling to relaxing mode. The best way to go about is to stop looking for the answer and let the answer finds you.. ;)

>> X factor

The more I workout the more 'Nirvana' I feel. Facts remain constant as they say:
Being active is extremely important & walking can add minutes to your life..
Well I keep Trying to lose weight, but it keeps finding me :p

Jokes apart what my point here is exercise is an important factor to remain fit but whats more imperative is to know your physical state. Do your drill when ever you can and you’ll be more happier & lively. When accosted with a loaded assignments stumping your head, drill harder to release your endorphin.

>> Driving

Living with a conscience is like driving a car with the brakes on; So when you are stressed, go for care free driving; although get alert after rear-viewing the chasing cops ;) The line is to drive out all the negative energy in the air.. :)

>> Music

A genre that makes you fall into. Simply, clear all your consciousness of stresses & fears. Then play your chords. Let the music guide your brain & lets you to bring out a refreshing idea. Trust me its an invaluable tool while relaxing yourself & peeking your soul.. :)

>> Caffeine

This is an absolute last resort for me. I’m of the school of thought that my body is my temple and I keep it free of toxins as often as possible. But, a deadline is a deadline and sometimes I just can’t seem to get my brain out of second gear. This is when I have to head to my local mom & pop coffee shop (I like it better than the chain stores) where I can kick back and get myself a vat of caffeine to soak my brain in. Again, this is a last resort. The other natural methods I offered through brain power and thought control will keep you happier, healthier and more creative in the long run. You don’t want your creativity to become dependant on foreign substances.

>> People Watching

This is my best technique, especially when pouring my mind with some fresh thoughts. Go to any crowded place, empty your mind and subtly observe strangers. This can literally be ANYWHERE that there is a constant flow of new people to observe and absorb. This may seem awkward at first, but 99.9% of the time, nobody will notice what you’re up to and before long, you will probably find yourself quite entertained. Observe people and how they interact with each other, the world around them, and even with themselves. There is no better way that I know of to step outside yourself and get a fresh outlook from others viewpoint.

>> Being Kiddy

Sometimes its lovely to act fool & being notorious. As your dumbness can give chance to others to laugh/smile for a while. So I let my folks make fun of me, cause somewhere on my mind I have feeling of peace of making them happy for the moment. Anyway, the bottom line is to "Be happy & spread happiness.." So keep Spreading Smiles :)

>> Clear Mind to refocus
The greatest obstacle in creating something completely original is the frustration that tends to flare up when you can’t get your imagination to give you its goodies. When you try to force your imagination to generate something on the spot, it sometimes works. When you’re frustrated and you try to force your imagination, it never works. If my methods don’t work for you, I recommend you do what ever it is that works for you in order to take a step back, separate yourself from the problem, do something fun for a while and come back to it with a fresh set of eyes and a positive frame of mind.

Jul 17, 2011

Mind over Matter..

When bad things happens to good hearts, they become better instead of bitter. A lot depends on how we take sudden changes in our life. Blaming to thee or thanking him for not making it worse. One should seek solutions for the troubles, rather than inviting melancholic moods. Its not in the prayers, yet its about the prayers. Giving few minutes of thanking God, might do wonders. It just the showers of blessing we need.

An impure mind craves for an impure things. Only a pure mind can do wisdom. Its the condition of one's mind that determines the quality of life. Primarily, everyone is attracted to a good body, rather than a good mind. This ignorance is adversely affecting the life's quality.

Our mind has the capacity to imagine. Which can be good/bad. Our imagination projects reality. An individual expects his/her partner to like this or that. This is a projected reality. But the fact is that the object reality is different. The husband is disappointed with his wife or vice-versa, not for what she is, but for what she should be. External reality does not fit into his subjective reality. Many suffer from this. So, all this happens in a world that is within us, our mind.

So it depends on us whether we choose chaos or cosmos. When the inner world of our mind is orderly, then we will see the external order as being more orderly.

"God gives us problems to humble us; not to tumble us.."

Inspired by: Every Man's Speaking Tree..

May 26, 2011


"The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change."

It was the coldest winter ever. Many animals died because of the cold. The porcupines, realizing the situation, decided to group together. They were covered and protected, but the quills of each wounded the closest companion.

After a while, they decided to distance themselves, and they began to die, alone and frozen. So they had to make a choice: either accept the quills of their companions or disappear from the Earth. Wisely, they decided to go back to being together.

They learned to live with the little wounds that were caused by their close relationships because the most important part was the heat that came from the others. They were able to survive.

"The best relationship is not the one that brings together perfect people, but the one that forms when individuals learn to live with the imperfections and admire the good qualities of others."

May 18, 2011

Trials & Errors

A German Philosopher once said:
“Its no use living arguing about everything; it is part of human nature to make a mistake now and again.”
Yet, there are people who absolutely insist that they are right even down to the smallest details. We ourselves are often included in this category:
we don’t allow ourselves to make mistakes. All that we achieve with such an attitude is the fear of moving forwardbecause certain steps call for new decisions whose results are unknown to us.

The fear of making a mistake is the door that locks us up in the commonness: However, if we manage to overcome this fear, we are taking an important step towards our freedom.

Power of acceptance:

In life, there comes a point where you either accept whatever you’re doing and just exist, or stop talking about what you used to be and do something
completely different.

In a Life's journey,our errors are the portals of discovery..

May 10, 2011

My Guardian Angels..

Parents.. - support system no matter what..

What to write about them words become less when you have to admire them or depict what you feel. Because its all their endless efforts & constant patience to deal with you for making you capable of what you are from within; Their sacrifices, immense love, powerful prayers make you strong & built a protective curve around you.

There is so much to be thankful to & feel grateful to them. As God is just a creator but they are the one who transforms some energy in making you to stand on your own feet. We rarely feel their divine love. For since teenager we are in search of our soul-mate. But we forget the fact, that our real mentor, real soul-mate are they. As they could read your mind & state your thoughts when you are speechless. They get intuitions when you are in any trouble. They are the guiding source of brightness.

Sometimes, on our way of life, we get lost; it doesn't means they'd not done anything to make you stand. It means you have to recollect all those learnings & lessons need to be revised to move ahead with a more firm & strong optimistic attitude.

I don't know why I am writing this post today. I might have sounded like a blabber to few. But I don't care as I am here to post my thoughts.

I owe this one to them...... :) Love you lots.. :) God blesses all!!

May 7, 2011

Rishta wahi soch nayi.. :p

Theory of love, nowadays hold a very practical meaning rather than emotional healing. ;) It simply demands stay OR leave. If one is not happy in it. They yell "Next" & the show goes on. For today's generation I've basically categorized the 3 stages of "Amore" which at the end demands 'No more' :P

# Made for each other (WOW types :)) : In this stage a boy & a girl knows each other. They impress each other boy dieing to do everything for her & girl carrying her own attitude still inside blushing & falling slowly for him ;) Now they are in a relation. Next step FB's Relationship status updated ;)
Friends & known crowd gets notifications. Both are now observing their reactions by simply watching the number of likes & comments they get. Everyone wishing them luck & happiness. Wow!! simply made for each other..
So boy & girl decides to proceed & quickly step in to the next stage:

# Mad 4 each other (Aww types :*) : Now here, both open their respective Life Box on FB ;)& get Hugs, Kisses, Romantic Date, Love, Rose etc. Friends comments Aww!! Cho chweet!! Baby you both are choo cute & so in love with one another (Which means now its time to upgrade the relationship status ) & which is now changed into committed/ engaged that in a way says "THE END.." :p

But wait.. there is lot now; Previous two stages was the premiere. Baaki kahani toh abhi baaki hai dostoo.. :p What next Duh!! The story continues......

Keeping all the factors constant with a slight downward curve in the financial graph, growth in verbal communication graph that turns out to be as "Khamoshh.." for few days to both the party. You guys still not getting what I mean "Arre bandhu they are now in final stage of MAD AT EACH OTHER" (Oops!! :p) Now this means 'The Real End'

Hence at times letting the companies like Fastrack, etc. make profit by 'Move On..' strategy ;)
Last but not the least 'May the Heer-Ranjha, Laila-Majnu souls R.I.P' :P

May 4, 2011


In any relation when you feel you are a mistake to it. You keep wondering on the things that went unnoticed & unintentionally ignored, consequently hurting someone. But its too late when you realize it, really & there you are left with the feeling of regret & wishing to walk behind to reprint your steps. You crave for a "Magic wand" to bring a change.

While, reprinting those steps or trying to bring new change around you, at times you feel ignored. But remember in life we always get back what we gave.

So when reality strikes I realize there is no 'undo' or 'redo' options. So keep on trying baby.... until you get green signal of succeeding.. ;)

Everyone have their respective frame (
'impressions') for one another. We are so busy in life that we ignore the fact that there could be a shift in perception about your frame on others mind. So re-frame your frame before its too late.... Njoy.. God Blesses!! :)

May 3, 2011

A new day has come..

Everyday when I wake up I feel good about a new day. As with a new day comes new strength and new thoughts. Each day seems as if something is going to take place in or out. Everyday we want to do something different & don't want to look back. But every now & then we are captured by something or other.

I just realized how time flew & leaving me behind to think of what I did to pacify myself. A feeling of being captured with certain things that in practical sense are stupidity; but to me they are important for my persona. So I want to organize my to do list before stepping further (precisely touching 30 ;))

So with the beginning of a new day. I say it to myself, "You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind.. so let it be something good."

To simplify it lets not get wasted & making everyday productive one to live.. :)

Apr 27, 2011


We often search for proper contentment in every thing. We feel happy after getting petty things. Which glorifies our face value. If you assuage your desire for something, you feel the difference inside.

All power lies within. To help one understand that our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, but its that we are powerful beyond measure. It is not our darkness but our light that most scares us. There is no divinity in shrinking so that people around us don't feel small. We were all meant to shine, like children do.

It is not in some of us; it’s in all of us. And when we let our light shine, we unconsciously give permission to others to do the same. And when we are liberated from our own fears, our mere presence liberates others.

Its the human experience that state one's purpose for living. The goal should not be just to live, rather it should be "to live for"

All it means is to be human. We just need to know for what reason we are here. Every one need others assistance to do something. In this life, whatever we are doing, have some purpose to serve. We just need to ignite the flame within us.

Apr 16, 2011

Fir teri yaad aayi..

"Fir se pyar ki wahi hassi aaj dil mein khilli hai,
rah mein koi aisa sathi humme mila hai,
kya ban payenge hum unke humdum,
yahi sawal ka silsila aaj dil mein macha hai.."

Mithi si hulchal..

"Mithi si ek hulchal aaj is dil mein machi hai
ek baat aaj mann mein aayi hai,
kya aaj bhi unki baatoo mein humari yaadein chuppi hai.."

Yaadoo ka peher..

"Yaadoo ka ek duar jaga hai fir is dil mein kahi,
kal ki mulakat lagti hai aaj sahi,
chodde the humne jo hath kahi,
nahi pata tha thamenge aaj hum wahi.."

Apr 13, 2011


'Ma' The divine power behind this word is a feeling that every woman feels in her soul.

A lady is said to be lucky when she steps to a 'new world' leaving all her memories behind.
A lady is considered as blessed only, when the nature bestows a star in her arms.
That day she gets reborn.

Being Mom is :

a beautiful feeling for those glittering small eyes wondering at you,
a touchy feeling of those firm hands holding your finger,
a joyful tears rolling from your eyes after seeing those tiny lips smiling,
a breath taking feeling when that angels warms your world by his/her breath,
a moment when a girl becomes a woman after hearing the little one's heartbeats..

Although am not in the league but can feel it that the moment you become a mother, you start respecting your mother even more. All the things she did for you now seem so huge. You start wondering if you can ever repay her for the sacrifices she made for you.

I myself think about this everyday. I always say that my mom is the best mom in the world but have I done enough for her? Will I be as good a mother as she is? I think this is something every girl will ask herself when she becomes a mother. It’s only then that you realize that the bond between a mother and child is the most unbreakable bond in the world. You are her world & she means a world & divine power to you..
I love you mom.. :)

Apr 6, 2011

Let go..

I was emotionally attached to numerous things, that I used to possess. Now here by "THINGS" I mean my childhood memories (that a girl has to leave at her "Place" once she steps out to her "Home")

I was attached with those silly teddies I owned, the scrapbooks I got fill since teenage, the collection of friendship bands & other stuffs placed on my table & everywhere in my room.

As some recent events made me realize of how I should not be too attached to anything and memories lie in our hearts and not in worldly possessions. So I started letting go the clutch.

The feeling of letting go is just like a footloose. I just learn to move on which in turn is more liberating. Its all about being positive & remaining happy.

Ultimately, smiling no matter what. As everything happens for some reason. (It seems I am discussing as if what happen to me.. Well, I just got married. So its quite natural that I have to leave those "Things" behind.. Only a thing that bothers me is that now my kid sis gonna take the charge huh!!) x-(

Anyway, coming back, the most important lesson that I learnt in past few months is-
"Lesser the things you have to hold on your back; the farther you will be able to proceed."

"Some people think its holding on that makes one strong- sometimes its letting go.." Think about it.. :)

Apr 5, 2011

OMG.. is it..

I was in my own land dreaming about how crazy I am with my friends. Enjoying the non stop fight with my kid sis. Things are going so smoothly, according to my will. I am being served Mom made food. Only tension striking to my mind is where to party coming weekend & where to hangout today. Switching & playing with the channels of an idiot box. Having a Gala time by being a couch potato. Suddenly, a noise interrupted. Later I opened my eyes & than I screamed GOSH!! that was an alarm & Sooner I realized OMG I am married!!

Oops, its just recently that I realized it. Its a sweet realization though but here am not talking in the context of commitment, but of responsibility and daily routine MOSTLY. Well, let's go back to how that happened.

I have been married for almost 5 months to a very loving and caring man and these past months have been a sheer learning curve for me (in terms of household management). Before this I'd never really done the cooking or being this much worried about the laundry & ironing or had anything to do with having a monthly budget (I used to wonder.. Why would anyone need a budget? Life is full of enjoying & have fun!!) But then I understood life is not always fun.

Although, I love learning new things. Thanks to my hub with whose motivation, I am on an edge to begin & learn from basics through books, online resources & observations.

No matter what I do & how I do I have to give my best at it. So I started getting my hands around managing the household.

Now that I am married! I will, for the rest of my life, have to (or at least try to) behave like a responsible adult.. ;)

P.S. God bless me & most importantly my hub!! :p

Apr 3, 2011

Char lines..

"Ek baar fir yeh kalam utha hai,
ab tak woh ehsaas humse rutha hai,
humne jag se kuch haseen lamhe lutte hain,
isliye aaj woh ehsaas humse rutha hai.."

"Fir un yaadoo mein khone ka mann karta hai,
un paloo ko galey lagane ka mann karta hai,
bhul chukke hain hum jis kal ko
usse aaj mein badalne ka mann karta hai.."

"Thi yeh meri dastaan,
tere aane se ek kahani bani,
yu toh katt raha tha har ek pal,
magar tere aane se bana apna sunhera kal.."