

May 26, 2011


"The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change."

It was the coldest winter ever. Many animals died because of the cold. The porcupines, realizing the situation, decided to group together. They were covered and protected, but the quills of each wounded the closest companion.

After a while, they decided to distance themselves, and they began to die, alone and frozen. So they had to make a choice: either accept the quills of their companions or disappear from the Earth. Wisely, they decided to go back to being together.

They learned to live with the little wounds that were caused by their close relationships because the most important part was the heat that came from the others. They were able to survive.

"The best relationship is not the one that brings together perfect people, but the one that forms when individuals learn to live with the imperfections and admire the good qualities of others."

May 18, 2011

Trials & Errors

A German Philosopher once said:
“Its no use living arguing about everything; it is part of human nature to make a mistake now and again.”
Yet, there are people who absolutely insist that they are right even down to the smallest details. We ourselves are often included in this category:
we don’t allow ourselves to make mistakes. All that we achieve with such an attitude is the fear of moving forwardbecause certain steps call for new decisions whose results are unknown to us.

The fear of making a mistake is the door that locks us up in the commonness: However, if we manage to overcome this fear, we are taking an important step towards our freedom.

Power of acceptance:

In life, there comes a point where you either accept whatever you’re doing and just exist, or stop talking about what you used to be and do something
completely different.

In a Life's journey,our errors are the portals of discovery..

May 10, 2011

My Guardian Angels..

Parents.. - support system no matter what..

What to write about them words become less when you have to admire them or depict what you feel. Because its all their endless efforts & constant patience to deal with you for making you capable of what you are from within; Their sacrifices, immense love, powerful prayers make you strong & built a protective curve around you.

There is so much to be thankful to & feel grateful to them. As God is just a creator but they are the one who transforms some energy in making you to stand on your own feet. We rarely feel their divine love. For since teenager we are in search of our soul-mate. But we forget the fact, that our real mentor, real soul-mate are they. As they could read your mind & state your thoughts when you are speechless. They get intuitions when you are in any trouble. They are the guiding source of brightness.

Sometimes, on our way of life, we get lost; it doesn't means they'd not done anything to make you stand. It means you have to recollect all those learnings & lessons need to be revised to move ahead with a more firm & strong optimistic attitude.

I don't know why I am writing this post today. I might have sounded like a blabber to few. But I don't care as I am here to post my thoughts.

I owe this one to them...... :) Love you lots.. :) God blesses all!!

May 7, 2011

Rishta wahi soch nayi.. :p

Theory of love, nowadays hold a very practical meaning rather than emotional healing. ;) It simply demands stay OR leave. If one is not happy in it. They yell "Next" & the show goes on. For today's generation I've basically categorized the 3 stages of "Amore" which at the end demands 'No more' :P

# Made for each other (WOW types :)) : In this stage a boy & a girl knows each other. They impress each other boy dieing to do everything for her & girl carrying her own attitude still inside blushing & falling slowly for him ;) Now they are in a relation. Next step FB's Relationship status updated ;)
Friends & known crowd gets notifications. Both are now observing their reactions by simply watching the number of likes & comments they get. Everyone wishing them luck & happiness. Wow!! simply made for each other..
So boy & girl decides to proceed & quickly step in to the next stage:

# Mad 4 each other (Aww types :*) : Now here, both open their respective Life Box on FB ;)& get Hugs, Kisses, Romantic Date, Love, Rose etc. Friends comments Aww!! Cho chweet!! Baby you both are choo cute & so in love with one another (Which means now its time to upgrade the relationship status ) & which is now changed into committed/ engaged that in a way says "THE END.." :p

But wait.. there is lot now; Previous two stages was the premiere. Baaki kahani toh abhi baaki hai dostoo.. :p What next Duh!! The story continues......

Keeping all the factors constant with a slight downward curve in the financial graph, growth in verbal communication graph that turns out to be as "Khamoshh.." for few days to both the party. You guys still not getting what I mean "Arre bandhu they are now in final stage of MAD AT EACH OTHER" (Oops!! :p) Now this means 'The Real End'

Hence at times letting the companies like Fastrack, etc. make profit by 'Move On..' strategy ;)
Last but not the least 'May the Heer-Ranjha, Laila-Majnu souls R.I.P' :P

May 4, 2011


In any relation when you feel you are a mistake to it. You keep wondering on the things that went unnoticed & unintentionally ignored, consequently hurting someone. But its too late when you realize it, really & there you are left with the feeling of regret & wishing to walk behind to reprint your steps. You crave for a "Magic wand" to bring a change.

While, reprinting those steps or trying to bring new change around you, at times you feel ignored. But remember in life we always get back what we gave.

So when reality strikes I realize there is no 'undo' or 'redo' options. So keep on trying baby.... until you get green signal of succeeding.. ;)

Everyone have their respective frame (
'impressions') for one another. We are so busy in life that we ignore the fact that there could be a shift in perception about your frame on others mind. So re-frame your frame before its too late.... Njoy.. God Blesses!! :)

May 3, 2011

A new day has come..

Everyday when I wake up I feel good about a new day. As with a new day comes new strength and new thoughts. Each day seems as if something is going to take place in or out. Everyday we want to do something different & don't want to look back. But every now & then we are captured by something or other.

I just realized how time flew & leaving me behind to think of what I did to pacify myself. A feeling of being captured with certain things that in practical sense are stupidity; but to me they are important for my persona. So I want to organize my to do list before stepping further (precisely touching 30 ;))

So with the beginning of a new day. I say it to myself, "You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind.. so let it be something good."

To simplify it lets not get wasted & making everyday productive one to live.. :)