

Jul 31, 2010

Spreading smiles.. :)

"Holding a Smile,
walking few miles
I'll get what I deserve
what I don't was ne'er mine..

Releasing a pain,
will make you gain,
Never rush in vain,
following proper lane

Period of doom
that make you go gloom
holding a ray of hope
will ignite your inner soul

Instead of questioning every-time why me?
you should say try me
Don't confine yourself
Give time, time to raise yourself

Blossom your time to thee,
cause the answer to all your queries is HE

Close your eyes & see
the enlightenment of thee.."


"I'm not a body with a soul, I'm a soul that has a visible part called
'The Body' On the contrary ..
One might expect,
I've been more conscious of the presence of this SOUL than usual. It din't say anything to me,
din't criticize me or feel sorry for me :-- it merely watched me.. "

Now, I realized why this was happening:
It's been such a long time since I thought about Love or anything related.
It's seems to be running away from me, as if it wasn't important any more & din't feel welcome.
But if I don't think about LOVE, i'll be nothing.

"Presence of love.. makes one feel lively.."

Mixed Emotions..

"Many Emotions
I came across,
I considered
few true
remaining false,
why I am feeling
loosing you
as my loss,
is there some
good fortune to be toss,
My destiny is in faith
that'll be decided by you my Boss.. ;)"

God blesses!!

Feelings of hope..

"I stopped writing,
Cause I din't had any
words to express..

I stopped writing,
Cause I din't had any
feelings to feel..

I stopped writing,
Cause I faced reality..
Now I started writing
for I encountered with my dream..

No longer it took me
to wake up
& realize that

Dreams are the desires,
destined by once faith..

So, now I move on with a hope of
reaching my destiny that I own.."

Jul 24, 2010


A writer 1ce said that it is not time that changes man, nor knowledge; D only thing that can change sum1s mind is 'Love'. D person who wrote that clearly knew only 1 side of the 'Coin'..

'LOVE' is undoubtedly 1 of d things capable of changing a person's whole life, 4m 1 moment to d next. But, there is d other side of the coin. the second thing that could make a human being take a totally different course from the one he or she had planned; & that was called 'Despair'
Life is teaching me------>>
Very fast that only the "Strong Survive". To be strong, one must be the best, there's no alternative. Appearances are skin deep. Look deeper in you.....
God bless all :)

Jul 22, 2010


"LIFE >>
Moves very fast, rushes us 4m heaven to hell in a matter of seconds..
I can choose either
2 be a victim of the world
or an adventurer
in search of treasure
It's all a question??
How I view my Life..
(Jindadilli Zindagani)"