

Mar 12, 2012

Urgh 2 all the "Blah-2 Blahzz.."

I guess, most of the-Indian-girls encounter the 'common' stereotypical questions, throughout her lifetime. Some questions are universal and some even coincide with the ones asked from boys, but nonetheless after a point they are all just annoying and pointless. For example,
From a Young girl - "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
From a High-school girl - "What subject/major have to decided to take in college?"
From a College girl - "Do you have a boy friend?" (Only in Liberal families though!);
"When are you getting married?"
(In Traditional families)

From a Married woman - "When are you having a baby?"
P.S. Even if you are 21 years old you straight jump to being a woman from a girl, magically!

From a Mother of-a-child - Right after the birth of your first child, "Are you planning for a second child?"

Which is eventually followed by, "Which college are your kids going to?", "When are the kids getting married?", "When are you becoming in a Grand-mother?" .... & blah blah blah!! ....Urgh :|
I am at the stage of the "Married-woman-question". I love kids but why everyone has to ask when I am planning to have a baby. It's like their life will be incomplete without knowing this tiny detail about my life. At times it amuses me how everyone thinks they know what I should do in my life and when I should do it as well. Some people have even used the liberty to tell me when is an appropriate time to have one; & them there is the age factor- Just one question to those mind- What if I remain unmarried at this age too. Do you still expect a baby from me.. ;) :P
So, while I will withhold my opinions about when I should have a baby, I just want to say that sitting idle after marriage is most definitely not a good reason to have one!

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