

Feb 2, 2009


"V always count & keep weeping on things v lost. For a moment think about d 1 who have lost their family, not in accident or in any blast but they have been kicked out by their own children for whose growth they struggled & sacrificed their life's precious moments.. Now they live with their friends of same age group in a paradise called "OLD AGE HOMES."

Think about those who are unable to talk, hear or see or rather walk.. yes physically challenged people think about the one who r suffering from the pain of being counted as lady boy.. Do you think you carrying a heavier gloomy heart.. For a moment thank to Thee who has created you as a Perfect Human Being.. Thank to your parents who sacrificed their happiness to provide you with the best.. Thank yourself to possess these things as assets of your life.. God Bless You!!"

1 comment:

Simply Nehal said...

01/02/09.. Occasion my B'day..

I visited an old age homes to seek blessings & to make me more stronger to overcome the dark phase i have been through. Their words motivated me to give a good start & to view my life in a cheerful way :)

God bless all!!